A white label secondary digital asset exchange is a software solution that allows enterprises to operate a crypto exchange under their own brand. The software comes with a variety of tools for facilitating the exchange process. It includes a set of features designed to accommodate large trading volumes.
A white label crypto exchange solution can save the user from the time and money spent on building a crypto exchange from scratch. Developing the platform from the ground up may cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. Moreover, the platform may require extensive knowledge in the domain. This is why white label solutions are an affordable and faster solution for companies looking to enter the crypto market.
Building a secondary digital asset exchange from the ground up requires a lot of research and a great deal of technical knowledge. Despite this, a crypto exchange needs to be scalable and have a variety of features. In addition, the solution must be able to handle sudden surges in transactions. Therefore, it is important to find a white label crypto exchange that offers secure management of inflows and outflows.
Another important factor to consider is the type of digital assets offered. While many crypto exchanges offer a wide range of cryptocurrencies, not all of them support all of them. If you plan to trade security tokens, for example, you will need to find a team that can add them. However, there are some white label products that include coin/token launchers, infrastructure tool kits, and cold wallets.
One of the most popular white label crypto exchange solutions is the PayBito exchange. It is a US based exchange that enables users to buy and sell crypto. Also, its dashboard provides critical information such as the latest trend in crypto currency prices. Users can also access a comprehensive list of cryptocurrencies.
To build a white label crypto exchange, you will need a secure platform with a scalable architecture. This will allow you to trade a large number of cryptocurrencies simultaneously. Furthermore, you will need to connect the exchange with other order flows from other venues. You will also need to incorporate additional third-party services such as payment processing.
The platform should also include a high-performance technology. For instance, it should be able to handle millions of transactions per second. Ultimately, the exchange will need to have the best possible user experience. Adding analytical tools and price charts will also require more work. Adding a matching engine for limit orders will help the platform match bid and ask orders.
In terms of security, a white label crypto exchange should provide two-factor authentication. Moreover, the platform should be protected against phishing attacks. When a customer places an order, he will receive an email confirming the funds have been received.
Other essential components of a white label solution are finance, technology, and cold wallets. These components will provide investors with a diversified portfolio of digital assets. They will also provide a secondary market for their investments.